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tv   Legal View With Ashleigh Banfield  CNN  November 7, 2013 8:00am-9:01am PST

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it's crazy, isn't it? "legal view" with ashleigh banfield starts right now. the miami dolphins hazing scandal getting fishier by the minute. new allegations swirling around what the coaches knew and when they knew it. the suspended lineman, players are telling us, was like a big brother to the rookie is now accused of bullying. would you rather die than live the rest of your life in a wheelchair? the heartbreaking decision of a deer hunter to take himself off life support after a tragic fall. and say whatever you want about tom cruise. just don't go calling him a bad dad. he is fed up with salacious headlines and is fighting back to the tune of $50 million. hello, everyone.
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welcome. i'm ashleigh banfield. it is thursday, november 7th. good to have you with us on legal view. i want to begin this hour with a story that is real close to many americans' hearts. see that? this is precisely the problem. transfats are getting a very hard look from the fda. that could mean say good-bye to some of those things you really, really like. or does it? elizabeth cohen joining us to talk about what this actually means. does it mean that some of our favorite foods that are killing us are going to go away? >> yes, ashleigh, likely it does mean that. this is the first step to getting these artificial trans fats out of the food supply. you know when you eat a biscuit or a cookie or fried chick sben it tastes so good? sometimes the reason for that is that they have fried those foods or made those food with his artificial trans fats. about ten years ago, ten years ago, experts said get this stuff out of the food supply. they petitioned the fda and the fda didn't. now they're saying they'll finally take those first steps.
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if they do go through with this, and it looks like they will, they will be able to prevent 20,000 heart attacks among americans each year and 7,000 deaths. when you see all those lives that could have been saved, some people are asking, why didn't they do this ten years ago when they were asked to? ashleigh? >> what is the deal? if the fda decides to classify trans fats as something they call additives, does that mean they can still be put in the food but that you and i have some way to know about it? >> almost. here is what it means. if they wanted to add trans fats, they would have to apply to the fda, do testing in the lab, animal testing. it is a rigamarole to get something like that approved. theoretically, yes, they could do it. it's hard to imagine that a company would want to spend that much time doing it it and it would have to say on the label that it has trans fats.
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>> doesn't it also mean that companies that want to prove that their trans fat is safe that they literally have to do scientific studies that show that? right now there ain't nothing out there that's really going to show that. >> exactly. they would have to do the animal studies, the lap studies. it would be a tough thing to do. >> elizabeth cohen, thank you for that. what are the legal ramifications here? this is "legal view." look who is here. he happens to teach ethics when it comes to this kind of thing. here is my question. does this mean that all of a sudden anybody who actually provides food all across the nation is going to have to be policed? if they do, what happens? >> if these additives are -- they'll be subject to premarket approval.
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fda will have that discretion. the question really becomes do companies really want to invest all this time, all this money to now get approved something that was always already approved ? it won't necessarily be outlawed right away, but the financial burden on getting these additives approved would be so great that they may be effectively outlawed. >> it's not like this is coming out of the blue. mcdonald's and a number of other major companies started hauling back on their trans fats, knowing full well this might be coming and if not other things, that were just as ugly, might be coming. >> right. to the extent that these trans fats are still part of their menu -- imagine the financial cost in dragging these out of their product. while these stores, these companies have offered healthy alternatives, trans fats are still a major part of their menus. this could be a huge blow to the
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industry of fast food. >> it's hard to imagine all the different things out there that we eat every day if you go by your vending machine, fast food outlet and just go to the processed aisle and pick up the things you're so used to eating, margarines and that kind of thing. it's literally everywhere. this is an extraordinary pervasive story with huge ramifications and not going away any time soon. thank you for touching on it, as this is breaking as well. we'll continue to follow that story. some other big stories we're following here at cnn. for the first time, twitter shares are trading under the ticker symbol twtr. don't go race to your trading account. it's not for you yet. they have, by the way, already just about doubled their initial public offering price. that is not bad for a company that's never posted a profit. again, average joe out there, you and me, we'll have to wait a couple of days until we're eligible to get in on that goody. 911 tapes from the new jersey mall shooting have been released and are revealing
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absolute panic by shoppers inside. >> 911. where is your emergency? >> the garden state plaza. >> yes? >> yechlt i'm at the garden state plaza mall. there's been a shooting. >> yes. >> and i'm in -- i work here. i'm inside the store, in the office with the door locked by myself, but i'm scared and i want to get out of the mall. >> the gunman, richard shoop, took his own life. and there were no other casualties, luckily, in that incident. marathon bombing suspect tsarnaev photo leaker has
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retired. >> would you do it again? >> absolutely. >> why? >> what rolling stone was wrong. that image hurt a lot of people who are still hurting. i knew that the image that i had was the true face of terror. it was the true image of that day. >> and this is what murphy and so many others were offended by. take a close look at your screen. that rolling stone cover shot that they felt zpikted tsarnaev in a glamorous light. military officials say the building where nadal hassan killed 14 soldiers years ago is going to be torn down. you'll remember that hassan was sentenced to death in august. a young father who could not face living the rest of his life in a wheelchair, story behind a painful decision he made to take himself off life support. coming up next.
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3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber. this is a decision that no family ever wants to make, whether or not to end life support for a loved one. in the story you're about to hear, a family in indiana was not given that choice and it is not for the reason you might think. 32-year-old tim bowers was paralyzed from the neck down after falling from a tree in the hunting accident. the minute he came to and found out what he was in store for, for the rest of his life, he astoundingly asked his family to just let him die. martin savidge is following the story. it's almost hard to read those
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words, to know it really happened but it did and it's perplexing to how it happened. >> tragic on so many different levels. tim bowers had everything in his life going in the right direction. recently got married a couple of months ago, 32. baby on the way. runs a successful business, has a very deep faith, loved in his community. saturday falls out of a tree stand while hunting and is paralyze friday the shoulders down. he had a discussion with his wife a month before about being in a wheelchair the rest of his life. it was something he didn't want. they asked him when they brought him out of the recovery -- they actually woke him up and he said, no. he shook his head. he couldn't speak with a tube. as a result of that, they took off life support, removed the breathing tube and he passed away five hours later, sunday, with 75 members of his family and friends all around him. it was his decision and many people are talking about this. here is what one of his friends had to say. >> it was his decision and i'm
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glad i got to be there. it didn't surprise me. because he was ready to go to heaven. he was ready for god. he was a good man. >> and as we point out, the story just trending huge on the internet. a lot of comments from social media. we did two of them real quick here. calvin peterson says life is precious. just talked to some people about that who are confined to wheelchairs, a friend of mine who has ms and is in a wheelchair has the most amazing spirit and joy like i've never seen. from the other perspective, very sad but i feel he did a noble thing for his family. this is one of those classic, what would you scenarios -- what would you do? you are never too young to start having these end of life discussions of what you wish. if you are a hunter, please, wear a harness in a tree stand. all of this could have been prevented. so many different levels here, ashleigh. >> it's just so upsetting, every
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way you look at t you understand the way people are responding in those tweets. you don't know until it's you. martin savidge, thank you for that. how rare is this for a patient to make a call like that? we want to get the "legal view" with danny sevalis, who happens to teach law ethics at drexel university. first and foremost, how can someone make that decision legitimately being in a state of trauma? >> you bring up a an important fact. competent people can make decisions to refuse treatment. what is competent? can you conclude that simply because you want to withdraw treatment does that, alone, make you incompetent? in other words if you choose to die, are you necessarily an incompetent person? are you not right in the mind? and the court case that is have addressed it have said no. the problem is that, just like
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we talked about, people don't set down in writing what they want done, to put down with clarity what they want. unfortunately it's only at times of crisis to where we are left to ascertain whether people would want to live with life-sustaining treatment or not. that becomes a problematic issue. the supreme court has squarely held if you are a competent person of sound mind and clarity. >> and judgment -- >> you can refuse treatment. >> how do you determine when someone is of sound mind? common wisdom would say you're not in your right mind, even after a breakup, for heavens sake, at least for 48 hours, at least for five days or 30 days. how can you make that decision legally? >> it is a case-by-case analysis. what you're saying -- it's important to note that simply because you are under the stress of a situation, as long as a -- you are deemed competent, even though you are choosing to die, which most of us would not choose to do. that, alone, will not render you
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an incompetent person, unable to make decisions about your own end end-of-life care. >> it's important to get that directive so people no knknow. >> thank you, danny. nfl is assigning a special investigator now and other players are speaking out. hear what they have to say. it might not be what you think. that's coming next. life with crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis is a daily game of "what if's". what if my abdominal pain and cramps end our night before it even starts? what if i eat the wrong thing? what if? what if i suddenly have to go? what if?
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some dramatic developments in the miami dolphins bullying scandal. there's a report that says at least one coach told suspended player richie incognito to toughen up rookie jonathan martin all before martin walked off that team. martin recently checked into a florida hospital for treatment of emotional distress. that said, several current and former dolphins players are now coming to incognito's defense, saying he did not bully martin that, in fact, he treated him like a little brother. also now, the national football league looking into all of this. they named ted wells to lead an ongoing investigation into the allegations. wells, you might remember, was involved in the probe of sexual harassment allegations at syracuse last year. stay tuned for those developments. a lot of nfl players say that hazing, if not outright bullying, is just part of the locker room culture.
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>> richiie incognito unplugged. this tmz video shows him jumping around shirtless in a bar, dropping f bombs liberally. he was more measured when approach by cnn affiliate wsbn. >> no comment right now. we're going to kind of weather the storm and that's it. >> reporter: he may not weather the storm. team sources told the miami herald the dolphins will release incognito and there may be other casualties. ft. lauderdale sun sentinel says dolphins coaches asked incognito to toughen up martin after he missed a voluntary workout last year. dolphins coach philbin wouldn't comment on that, only saying he will fix any problems uncovered in the investigation. >> the type of culture i have uncovered since i walked through
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these doors has been one of honesty, respect and accountability to one another. >> reporter: incognito has been involved in hazing rookies as shown from this hbo program "hard knocks." have you checked your facebook lately? maybe you shouldn't use your number for your ipad password, 8484. i was going to put up something rude and then i saw the picture of your girlfriend and felt bad. >> that's my fiance. >> fiance, yeah. >> wfan radio. >> the other guy is just as more to blame as richie because he has allowed it to happen. at this level, you're a man. you're not a little boy. >> right. >> former redskins running back much mitchell says the martin case is extreme. >> is that part of the culture? you have to stand up for yourself? >> it is part of the culture. not everybody is that way. there are people that are that type of person.
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i'm that type of person but you don't knock a guy who does it. >> brian joins me live now from washington. a lot of people still have a lot of questions about missing puzzle pieces in all of this. it's perplexing to think of a grown man calling someone in their locker room a bully. is there something we don't know about his childhood and pattern about this at all? >> a columnist for the miami herald did some digging into incognito's background and investigated into his background. he was bull lid as a kid when playing baseball and little league in new jersey. one kid who was small for his age bullied him and teased him about his weight and his father, who was a tough guy, encouraged incognito to fight back and did that and then ran home crying because he was so upset over the episode. >> it was actually incognito
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that was the subject of that story and not martin. i was thinking it was martin. it's all very confusing. thank you for that. appreciate it. nice to see you. >> sure. when you hear the words nuclear power, perhaps you think about disasters like chernobyl or fukushima. cnn's newest film may change your thinking all together. it's called "pandora's promise" and challenges the thoughts on nuclear energy. and some think that it's doing a heckative lot of good and has some evidence on it. you can see "pandora's promise" right here on cnn at 9:00 pm. highly encourage you to check out that film. digging deeper into the death of georgia teenager kendrick johnson. yet again a new set of videos coming out of the police investigation. do they give us answers or do they give us more questions?
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14 states, soon to be 15, allow same-sex couples to marry. gay troops can be out and still stay in the armed forces and the defensive marriage act has been found indefensible by the highest court in the land. so there's your landscape, right? gay rights in america. not quite. in 29 of these united states, being gay is still a fireable offense. let that sink in. being gay can get you fired. the states you see in yellow have no legal workplace protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender employees. >> the fact that there isn't a law that protects lgbt people is scary, because from one minute to the next you can have the best life and at any point, it can be taken away just, you know, on the fact that you're
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gay. >> that's andre cooley, a corrections officer in mississippi who was fired out of the blue when his bosses learned he a boyfriend. they tried to pass back as far as 1986 but it fell short. today, this afternoon, employment nondiscrimination act is almost certain to pass the senate. test on monday got the support of every democratic senator, 61 votes in all. that does not mean clear the house, though, considering the house speaker is not so fond of this bill. legal analyst and friend, lisa bloom. i have to be honest with you. as i mentioned this story to a number of people, they said what? >> yeah. people are shocked. >> you can't do that if you're black. you can't do that if you're jewish. how can you do this if you're gay? but you can. >> yeah. >> the argument against this
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bill is that it will cost jobs and create frivolous lawsuits. why is that? >> that's absolutely silly. i've been a practicing civil rights lawyer since 1986. i've been pushing, along with many other people, have been pushing for this law for so long. it is so overdue, right? under federal law, you can't discriminate unemployme discriminate on employment on race, sex, religion. people shouldn't have to choose between their private life and their employment. i live in california and practice in california and new york. there are protections in those states. as you say, in the majority of states you can fire somebody openly because they're gay. >> that's outrageous. here is the argument against it. how can you argue against fairness and equality? the argument against it is that if you do open this up to litigation, there will be thousands upon thousands of lawsuits filed out there from someone who maybe got fired because they stank at their job
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but they're going to come back and say did you it because i was gay. they're calling these frivolous lawsuit that is will cost the equal employment opportunity. >> we don't say that about race, race discrimination should be illegal because people may bring false claims. it's actually fairly difficult to bring an employment discrimination case and eeoc has plenty of people in place. there are not a rush of claims in states where sexual orientation are illegal. people call me up every day. what kind of evidence do you have? do you have an e-mail, a witness? did somebody make a comment? the person would have to prove their story, just as in any case. >> it's nice to see you as always. it's like our old court tv age where you don't age and i do. >> i don't know about that. i'm not afraid of aging. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. all right. in other news that we've been following, we have been watching a lot of surveillance video coming out in this one
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particular case that has to do with a young man, kendrick johnson, a young man who is no longer with us, found dead, rolled up in a gym mat in a georgia high school. here is the problem. the more video you get when you think you're getting answers, in fact, it's raising more questions on just how this young man died. victor blackwell has been doing a remarkable job at pressing for these answers and keeping this case open. so what about these new videos? what do they tell us, if anything, victor? >> they actually create more questions. we have comments and statements that were e-mailed to us. here is a look at video inside the gym. this isre whe kendrick johnson was. if we can start this video over, i'll point out what's important here. surveillance that was released as part of this lawsuit. kendrick, you'll see in a moment, runs in from the right here. he is wearing a white t-shirt. if we can start this video over and show him coming into the gym, we can show you exactly --
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so we can't start that video again. he runs in from the right and then disappears. here is another image. kendrick runs to this corner. you see him there. he will disappear and then watch. you see other students then playing basketball. the question is, was this video edited? that's the question from the attorneys. you see one image and then to the next. then let's go look at the other really important image here. 36 cameras, there's only one imagine that shows the corner where the mats are. they're up here. you see here this video is blurred. it's difficult to make out any faces, any images. this is the only angle that would show the full investigation that happened at the gym. >> why is it blur sni. >> the question is, why did is it blurry? >> did they do it or is the camera a mess? >> no explanation on why it's blurry. i'll tell you what the school and the sheriff's office is saying. we have statements from them. they e-mailed them to us. what we produced to the sheriff is a raw feed with no edits. so we went to the lowndes county
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sheriffs office and they say nothing was edited. 36 angles. the only one that shows the mats where kendrick johnson was found dead, you can't make out that corner or see any of these people. >> so frustrating. it must be so hard for the family that's getting pieces and pieces of information. victor blackwell, again, thank you so hard for getting this information out there. joining us live from atlanta. thank you, victor. tom cruise. famous guy. famous face. you've seen him on every magazine. he has a mission and it may not be impossible. is he defending his reputation as a father because he is sick and tired of pictures and headlines that just aren't true, he says. he has 50 million bucks on the line. who he is suing and what they said next. avo: the volkswagen "sign then drive" sales event is back.
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family and friends of the michigan woman shot to death early saturday morning say she died simply because she was black and needed help. 19-year-old ranisha mcbride was killed on the front porch of a house she approached after a car accident. her aunt is telling the detroit news the owner of that house shot mcbride in the head, quote, for knocking on his door, end quote. reportedly the wayne county prosecutor right now is deciding whether any charges are warranted in this case. >> a california high school is
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being criticized today for naming its sporting team the arabs. the american arab anti-discrimination committee is accusing coachella valley high school of stereotyping and demands that they drop that name they also want a change in the mascot, that depicts a big nose, bearded man with a cover on his head. a mega movie star is defending his real-life character and roles a father. tom cruise is opening up about his divorce from actress katie holmes for the first time. and despite the headlines in the tabloids, cruise says he is a good dad to his baby girl, suri. he is so upset about this, he is
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suing a publisher for $50 million for what they've been writing in their headlines. michaela perreira has the story. >> reporter: now tom cruise is defending his actions as a father in a very high-profile way. cruise filed this document in his $50 million lawsuit against bauer publishing, strike back against "in touch" magazine and "lifestyle" where they claim cruise abandoned his daughter, suri. >> he is taking a stand saying he will not put up with headlines that he believes are not only false but destructive of his reputation. >> i have in no way cut suri out of my life, physically, emotionally, financially or otherwise. industry insiders say for cruise, it's not about the $50 million price tag. it's about the priceless value
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of his reputation. >> he has seen his share of scandalous headlines before, but this brings into the spotlight his parenting and being a father and for him that was just hitting below the belt. that's where he drew the line. >> reporter: in the document, cruise acknowledges he was shooting back-to-back films at the time the magazine hit the newsstands but says even during the times i was working overseas and was not able to see suri in person, we were and continue to be extremely close. >> and i think the general public will sympathize with what he is going through. truly no one really knows what's going on behind closed doors unless you're tom, katie or suri. >> michaela perreira, cnn, new york. >> another interesting point, mr. cruise -- some call him tom -- he wants to know those confidential sources who were the sources for the stories. these sours are a crutch for many entertainment publications. they're unnamed and so in the suit they're just called does.
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almost a dozen does, as in john or jane. i want to get the "legal view" of this from lisa bloom. up on my e-mail popped a comment, statement from the publisher. bauer publishing is sending this out. i want to get this out away. "in-touch weekly" and "lifestyle" stand behind the articles in issue in this action. they had a wealth of evidence substantiating that following his divorce from miss holmes, mr. cruise was absent from his daughter for long periods of time, that seeing her was not his first priority and she was emotionally struggling as a result of her father's extended absences. to me that sounds like a double down. big time. >> wow! the question is, what does the word abandon mean? that was their headline, that he abandoned suri. if he's off doing a movie and having phone calls with her, is that abandonment? what if they chose that --
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>> a soldier deployed does not get to see or skype. is that abandonment? >> tom cruise is saying he's going to take a stand. good for him. they publish a lot of things that are not accurate. they choose words like this very carefully to hide behind. he has a tough legal standard to meet. >> amen to that. his issue when i read the complaint is that, look, you put out these massive headlines that once you turn the pages and go inside, they're not substantiated with facts. >> right. >> ultimately where he may be morally right, maybe even have some shred of correctness in these facts, the standards for a guy like tom cruise as opposed to a dpie like joe shmoe are entirely different when it comes to lying about them in the press. why is that? >> he he has to prove that the publications knew the statements were false or acted with reckless disregard as to whether it was true or not.
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they'll just put anything out there. that's a very high standard to prove. >> very high standard. that statement, doubling down. >> they're standing by their story. >> he wants a jury trial, wants to see this in court. 50 million bucks at the very least. that's the first set of punitive damages. >> the lawyer says he would give it to charity. jurors in the trial of a doctor accused of drowning his wife are hearing from snitches, former inmates and a mistress named gypsy. we'll take you to utah when we come back and tell you about something they are not going to hear that if you hear it, you would want to convict him right away. [ male announcer ] this is pam. her busy saturday begins with back pain, when... hey pam, you should take advil. why? you can take four advil for all day relief. so i should give up my two aleve for more pills with advil? you're joking right? for my back pain, i want my aleve.
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macneill murder trial, prosecutors are planning to wrap up their case. one of the biggest bombshells
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yet is getting a lot of attention. one of the former mistresses of that man, dr. martin macneill is claiming that he killed his own brother by drowning him in a bathtub. yes, you're right. not only that, that he tried to kill his mother when he was just a little kid. all of this came out in a pretrial hearing but it's been pretty darn quiet. and certainly the jury is not going to hear any of that during this trial. our ted rowland sinces is live provo, utah. why won't the jury hear about this? it sounds an awful lot like what's being alleged in this case. >> it is awfully prejudicial, ashleigh. this is another mistress, not gypsy willis, who is on the stand now, by the way. came out in a pretrial hearing about a year ago that macneill told her that he had killed his brother when he encountered him during a suicide attempt. instead of helping his brother, he drowned him in a bath tub.
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the cause of death was suicide. the judge rightly said no way, the jury is not going to hear this. as you said, if the jury did hear this, way too many coincidence. it would be game over likely for the . >> makes us shake our heads even more. thank you from provo, utah, good to see you, ted. want to bring in hln legal analyst joey jackson on this one. i hear you. i hear ted. it's prejudicial. it's not as probative as prejudicial. that's what evidence is, when you're a prosecutor. >> it's true. >> you are trying to tell the jury that guy is a bad guy. >> absolutely. but here's the difference. trials need to be about what they're about, we don't want to talk about fraud you committed last week, right? the murder you committed two weeks ago. we want the jury focused on the task at hand. so the idea is, there are certain things, ashleigh, a jury cannot see through. think about it. if they learn an inkling of you were involved in your brother's
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death? tried to kill your mother when you were 8, what are they going to do. >> presume you're a kill, it's propensity, and find you guilty. >> counselor, i hear you. here's where i'm going to fight back. a lot of times in a case that stuff all gets tossed out, that argument when there's a pattern. and if his brother was drowned in a bathtub and that pretty lady right there was drowned in a bathtub, why is that not a pattern and therefore admissible? >> great point. you do have exceptions. >> it is. >> of course it is, you know that. there are exceptions. you can get certain things in when they go to motive, when they go intent, when they go to opportunity. so there are certain exceptions but there's still that balancing test, ashleigh, any court has to do. at the end of the day it's about a fair trial. the balancing test is, is it relevant? yes, but is it overly prejudicial? is it too harmful, something that's so inflammatory that it's going to impair your ability to have a fair trial. and if the judge concludes that it is, it's thrown out.
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find and convict someone on the evidence before the court, not on what we call collateral matters. >> have you ever interviewedsome of your jurors after your case is over about the facts not in evidence? >> yes. >> do they freak out and lose their heads over it? >> it is amazing because jurors are only permitted to hear certain things, right? trials are a search for a truth, to some extent they are. but there are things that a jury doesn't hear. at the end of the trial, you can talk to the attorneys if you want, most run away from me. but ones that speak to me, you tell them the things they don't hear, really, really that would have influenced my opinion about the trial. that's why here the judge keeps it out. >> that's the very point. it is so counterintuitive, first thing you want to know, as a person if you're go fog date someone, you want to know what dates they had in the past. >> exactly. >> there is isn't dating, it's murder. it's alleged murder. >> alleged. >> thank you. coming to a close soon, too. >> yes, it is. >> all right. so you'll be back.
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coming up this afternoon, cnn -- on cnn, brook baldwin going to anchor a special report on topic that impacts a lot of americans but still has a stigma attached to it. exposed mental health in america, it's airing at 3:00 this afternoon right here on cnn. encourage you to walk that, brooke does an excellent job in her reporting. a man risks his own life to save others from the burning building. you know something? you're going to meet him. and mostly because i meet him every day. i'm working with him and he's standing next to me right now. amazing bruce almighty. [ female announcer ] ladies and gentlemen i'm here to say a few words about the power of baking stuff with nestle toll house morsels. you can heal a broken heart with a bundt cake. make a monday mornin' feel like a friday afternoon with some nestle toll house morsels. let's close our laptops and open our ovens. these things don't bake themselves. we have to bake them for one another.
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so what makes a hero? take a look at this video and you're going to find out. nice, young, handsome man named bruce duncan saw something orange flickering across the street last night in brooklyn. turns out to was a roof fire and that fire was growing by the seconds. so what did he do? yeah, he ran into the building to make sure that everybody inside who didn't know about it got out. and then like a dutiful cnn employee he started rolling video and captured all of these pictures. bruce dungeon happens to work with me every day here at cnn as a stage manager and normally he's sort of offcamera giving me
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the signals but when to wrap it up and stop talking. we call him today bruce almighty because we know where we need to be when you're around. and you, my friend, came to work this morning and did not tell anyone about this. >> it's something if you're walking down the street, i was walking down the street, i see smoke, i see a little bit of sparks, and i start thinking to myself, nobody's barbecuing on the roof in november. >> right. >> something must be going on. i pause, i looked, the wind started whipping sparks, you know, furthering out. there's a fire on the roof. i called 911, i run up to the building, started banging on the door, fire, fire, everybody out, let's go, everybody out, you know. people had no idea. somebody thought maybe there was a something on -- some work going on the building. >> your daughter lives across the street. >> my daughter lives across the street. once i called 911 -- >> people in the building had no idea about the flames up top? >> no idea. i saw people in apartments
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through the windows walking around nonc halantly. >> how did you know when everyone was out? >> i asked. everybody out? a couple came out, lady with a family came out bruce almighty, had you ever imagined you'd run into a burning building in your lifetime? >> you know what? i really have to say, i appreciate -- i appreciate you know the accolades and the acknowledgement. >> you wouldn't tell anyone. >> it's new york city fire department. what am i going to say? the firefighters, they were -- they got there so fast, they got the fire out. >> how much do i have until the time's over? >> start wrapping this up. >> i pulled you off your job to make you a news reporter. thank you for doing this. i love you every day. but i love you even more today. you're officially all around the halls bruce almighty. he's a hero. cnn hero, if i might say. >> anyway, thank you very much. >> great work. >> appreciate it. >> you're awesome. that's it. always are, but especially
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awesome. bruce duncan, everybody, my friend and colleague and another friend and colleague's about to get started as well. "around the world" with suzanne malveaux starts right now. it's being called the strongest storm on earth this year. how a typhoon headed to the philippines is expected to cause more damage than superstorm sandy. plus -- remember the asteroid that hit russia? that was just the beginningen how the world can expect to see or damaging asteroids hit earth. then president obama uses it the pope uses it. you can own a piece of it, for a price. twitter goes public. you're watching "around the world." i'm suzanne malveaux. michael holmes is off this week. talking about the strongest storm anywhere in the world this year. it's called


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